With Summer coming to an end, many of us may have backyards looking tired and messy. The grass is patchy, the flowers are wilting, and the trees are losing their leaves.

Don't worry, Sandy Loam can help! Sandy Loam is a type of soil that is perfect for improving lawns after summer. It helps to restore the nutrients that have been lost due to heat and drought. If you want your yard to look beautiful again, Sandy Loam is the way to go!

Sandy Loam is a mixture of sand and clay, which helps it retain water better than other types of soil. Sandy loam improves the soil structure by adding organic matter that attracts earthworms and bacteria. Sandy loam is also great for growing plants because they provide good drainage while still holding nutrients needed by plants like nitrogen and potassium.

There is no better soil to help germinate lawn seeds than Sandy Loam. This is due to the fact that lawns thrive in areas that support quick drainage in heavy rainfalls. Lawn seeds can be washed away or 'drowned if the soil below cannot drain it quick enough. Real estate agents will tell you that a fresh and lush looking lawn can boost the value of your house by more than 4 per cent. That might not seem like much but that could equal thousands of extra dollars.

How is it done you may ask? 

Well, Neil in our landscaping yard has some simple steps to help turn your lawn from drab to fab this Autumn.

Step 1: Clearing The Area For Germination

To start the process, it's important to clean up the area you wish to help grow. This could be removing rocks, sticks, weeds and other obstructions like children toys. You will need a clear area to help support the growth process. Anything in shade might have a harder time growing at the same rate.

Step 2: Mix It Up

It's important not to just lay a single surface down on top of existing lawns. This will take longer to grow need seeds and the old ones will need to decompose first. The best solution is to till the soil. This can be done with just a backyard shovel or hiring out a mechanical tiller machine. It's best to smash up large clumps of soil in order the create a very fine dirt surface.

Step 3: Booster Shot

In order to boost the effectiveness of the Sandy Loam, you can mix in any organic matter. This includes compost, peat moss or even rotted manure. This will help the soil's ability to converse moisture and build a playground for microorganisms to thrive. This is also a great time to mix in your chosen fertiliser. We recommend Superstart's Lawn Fertiliser for better germination and overall support for lawn seeds in particular.

Step 4: The Seeds

Once you have decided on which Lawn Seed you would like to use. For this example, we will be using Lawn Pro Fine Couch Blend grass seed. To use this product, spread seeds evenly over the ground then lightly rake them into the soil. Lawn pro seeds contain lawn starter fertiliser and a wetting agent so they should settle into your pre-prepared soil easily. Next, you need to keep them moist at all times for the first few days. This helps the process and keeps the seeds below soil level. Finally, you can follow up on this with a Monsoon Wetting Agent or Lawn pro Fertilizer for the best results. Most grass seeds will germinate within two weeks. Try avoiding walking in the area until the grass is fully established. This could take up to a month.

Step 5: Enjoy!

After two months you should have a wonderful, lush lawn for backyard barbeques, kids playgrounds and even pets to play on.